Saturday, July 14, 2012


Today Troop 1018 woke up on the early side (4:30 AM supposedly). We all woke up to the voice of Mr. White and the sound of the rain at 5:30ish. Some peoples tents flooded which caused some commotion. We got to the train station just as the train pulled in. We all punched our tickets and sprinted onto the train. We went to Frutigen then got on another train in Spiez and then got onto another train to Interlacken. Once in Interlacken we took a bus to Outdoor Interlacken where we got our wetsuit, boots, jacket, lifevest, and helmets that had crude names. The advanced group took a bus to a cliff where we repelled 150 feet down into the canyon. We made our way through the canyon starting of with a five foot jump into the rudely awakening water. Our group had our troop, 3 Australian girls, and one other guy. Our biggest jump was 9 meters. At one point we had to take a zipline, let go, and freefall into the water from about 20 feet. Stadtler tried to do a backflip off the zipline but ended up landing on his face. We walked out of the canyon and then took off the wetsuits which was rather difficult and ate a picnic. I have no idea how any of the other groups went because the ultimate group is not back and the beginners didn't tell us. Pictures will be online from the canyoning on facebook if you look up Outdoor Interlacken.    


  1. Ben - did you wear helmet 'frodo' ? And, was Sean in your group along with Statler. and, does this make sense - Canyoning Grimsel 14.07.12 8:00 with Iain and Simon ? If so, found your group pic on facebook ;-)

  2. Frodo.... New nickname? First mention of rain, that must make it a pretty successful camping trip!
