Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Career and Stuff

From the first time I came to a 1018 meeting I knew that 1018 was the Troop I was going to join. I knew this because the other boys were nice to me and the Switzerland trip that they just went on that really appealed to me. Throughout my Scouting career my 2 main goals were to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout (Highest rank in Scouting) and to go to Switzerland. I joined scouts when I was in Fifth grade. I have now finished Eighth grade and I’m now waiting for my departure time on Monday. I have nothing to do but sit and wait and blog since my mom made me pack early. This trip will have rafting, canyoning, hiking, tours, a day trip to Italy, a 2 mile sled ride, chocolate eating, crate staking, climbing up the face of a cliff, rain and a break from this absolutely disgusting weather we’re having.     


  1. HA!!! You haven't seen how bad the weather in switzerland can be. Check out the 3 first days from the last blog.
